Corporations like Chick-Fil-A and Starbucks listen to the customers in a fake way but they always think customers are stupid otherwise we would not buy their junk or process food and drink at very high price.
Even I am complaining to these corporation because of racisms and etc. but I am still ready for the counter offence like Ukraine and NATO did in Kursk against Russia.
If you fight against an ant or a bee please take them very seriously otherwise bad things would happened to you. Bees sting my ass, my back, and my arm in different days because I sprayed water on their tree or nest and I did not know they had nest on that tree.
We have had extremes heat for the last two years and we need to spray water on plants and trees with watering roots.
1% of population own these corporation not people like you and me and we are just stupid customers to pay for junk product and get bad service sometimes.