Racist Chick-Fil-A at Fairfield Town Center, Cypress Texas
Since I complained about Roberto racist comments to Chick-Fil-A corporation I have not got any response from either corporate or the store operator yet. I was asked on Friday 10-18-2024 by Racist Roberto to leave the store otherwise he would call the police. Roberto job description is to deliver food to the customers in the parking lot.
Managers John & Alvarez Comment:
- I do not look 65 years to get a free cup of coffee.
- We will call police if you ask the age limit for senior citizen.
Alvarez Wife & Employee Water & Coffee Comments:
- How many cups of water did I drink today?
- How many cups of coffee did I drink today?
Roberto employee comments:
- Roberto sits close to me with his extremes cold.
- I talk too loud.
- One customer does not come to Chick-Fil-A because I am a sex offender.
- I complain a lot about the USA.
- If I do not like the USA I need to go back where I came from.