After one year of hard fight with Starbucks new CEO finally accepted to move all splendor, sugar, and etc. behind the counter to the front or public area so I can pick up my splendor.
One of the employee from the same country of Racist Chick-Fil-A Roberto screamed at him why did I take splendors without permission.
My wife was born in the same country Racist Roberto was born so I am an naturalized citizen of that country too.
I was born in the country whose people made fun of my accent because I could not speak the official language correctly and my name.
Starbuck old CEO needs to be in charge of stores and companies who sell teas not coffee.
I have never let any entity to violate my legal and constitutional rights.
I have been accused an ISIS, a terrorist, a sex offender, mean, idiot, mother fucker, and etc. in Fairfield Village Cypress and I have got rid of all those accusers in my current homeland, Cypress Texas not USA.
New CEO Starbucks, thanks a lot for your correct decision and good luck for your new jobs.
Old CEO Starbucks, please take few courses from Racist Chick-Fil-A Roberto how to be dumb!