I have gone to polling station close to our house in Cypress Texas for the last three days to watch and to learn.
Majority people cannot solve a basic problem in college algebra, trigonometric, use system thibking, or etc.
Both Trump and Harris have been useless since they were born in this country.
As long as we do not have multi-parties in this country take your registration card and keep in your drawer for memory.
Corporations and Ruling class are running our country and creating wars here and there. All elected Politian are their pets and puppets.
If Jesus comes to the USA and see the evangelicals here Jesus will be a socialist like me. Jesus made his enemies Roman take his thinking system to Europe make majority of EU Christian.
Can US make his enemies to follow him like Jesus?
Voting is not people power the system is and our system does not belong to us or people and it belongs to ruling class, corporation, & 1%.