I see a lot of men and women create millions videos on internet how men and women are not good for dating, marriage, and etc.
I have learned everything from working women and my grandmothers not my mother and father and nothing from men except hunting and fighting.
Happiness comes from inside like a tree with a good root. If you are not a happy man or woman nobody or no entity, no object in the world can be make you happy.
A female tiger is very smart in everything including hunting and takes care of babies except she visits a
stupid male tiger to have date and gets pregnant.
We also included a picture of our criminal ex-neighbor who are worst than cancer and toxic wherever they go. Many people like them are anti-happiness because they are against law of nature, education, transparency, truth. and etc.
Happiness is an individual thing not a team things you do not need to have a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, or a friend to be happy.
If you find a friend who respects & like you keep her or him for life because you found a diamond.
Happiness does not exist without sad or negative time and we call it dialectical materialism the foundation of being smart.