This is our Racist Chick-Fil-A kitchen employees at Fairfield Town Center. The black lady is my friend and she is vey smart and she asked me how many cup of water did I drink one day and that is OK because she is my friend?
John the store manager (this store has two managers : John and Angle) moved her from cashier to windows cash register so we could not talk to each other. John told me last year if I asked the age limit for free senior citizen coffee he would call the police.
At that time Lance Roger was the Fairfield constable supervisor who had violated my legal and constitutional rights for 8+ years and was terminated from his job and now he is doing entry level job at store.
If you own business take care of problem asap otherwise it would be a major problem like Racist Chick-Fil-A problem and it would not look good for you and your business.
People who live in Cypress support Chick-Fil-A and Racist Roberto because if we do not like American we need to go back where we came from.
The old man in the picture who was our HOA Fairfield South Village started all these problems. He is veteran and has no communication skill but he knows how to attack and be racist.