Kamala Harris & Hillary Clinton do not have 1% leftist ideology in their bone, blood steam, thinking system, & etc. and they are corporates pets & puppets.
I am a leftist and I have fought for my rights and other working people rights for 60+ years.
If I become a congress man I might be crook and con-artist because the system would get rid of my if I am not in harmony with the system.
Because of my front yard landscaping Fairfield Village Cypress, Firstservice Residential Inc., Constable Supervisor Lance Roger sent a counter intelligent and counter terrorists to talk to me if I am an ISIS and a terrorist.
One by one has lost his or her job because they violated my legal and constitutional rights.
Both Democrat and Republican parties are corporates pets and puppets are the enemies of true freedom and democracy.
Heritage Foundation and our Chick-Fil-A at Fairfield Town Center are the worst racist entities in the world.