We will take our Test No. 4 on next two weeks and I will make A on my lab home work, lab quiz, and Test No.4.
I will also make A on the final exam.
Am I a good student? No, creative students do not care about grade.
I will be a super dumb person for next few weeks because I am studying a lot of house to make good grades and creativity go down of drain system.
I have 150 home works for this test and it is total wasting time.
If I want to be a playboy do I need to talk to 150 girls or few girls would be enough.
Our college educational system at Lone Star College is obsolete and his online is worst than face-to-face.
We need to ask Dr. Trump to do mass deportation on public and private school systems.
I printed m lab home works from MyLab who is making easy money from students.
It is a shame that a private company is making easy money from public school students.