We have a lot of problems in the USA and around the world because of the capitalist system (TCS).
The system has made our educational system the worst in human history. Gen-Z cannot hold a job more than few months because he or she has not been prepared by system.
Gen-Alpha cannot read and write at his or her class level and basic math level is a nightmare for them.
When we are not truly educated we can not do basic problem solving we would have a lot problems.
Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, & Trump have worked as pets & puppets for corporations and the ruling class.
In socialist system AI would be used to help workers to work less for the same amount of money but in TCS layoff becomes the goal or the target because of greed.
Our Fairfield Village Cypress Texas HOA board members current and x-members have been the most uneducated, zero class, and racist that I have ever seen. I have more respect for strays cat than them because stray cats are more useful to our community.