I was in my calculus-II class yesterday and teacher reviewed basic integral and most students forgot the topic.
These students are as dumb as our Allstate insurance adjuster who does not have a picture of my car and exact location of accident and etc. Insurance companies are the same and they think they are smart and that is fine with me.
I talked to a student who was sitting on my left side after the class and he was mad how do I know his Guyana or his country very well?
I like the teacher alot and he was very nice to me in calculus I. He told students this Olis and very unique.
Last semester I was from Peru last semester and this semester I would be from Colombia.
Two students did not show up in this class and the class has limit of 30 students. The instructor told me how do I know I told him I am very nosy.
I need to get a grade insurance from Allstate to be sure that I get the passing grade and I will not pass the stop sign in the wrong school and hit a 78 years old Tamil-American man.