The FirstService Residential, the HOA, and the Constables who checked my background as an accused terrorist in the USA. Please check the landscaping guy background too because he is working and living in the USA without any kind of permit for about three years. He wass bulling me on the trespassing like the neighbor who was born in the USA. The bully person has no homeland and respect for the laws.
If you are an immigrant in Norway, you would go to a lot of training classes to understand basic law, tax, social, property law, and etc, but that is not true in the USA. The less you know the more system likes you because you make a mistake, you go to the jail, you need an attorney, and etc. The system is making money from you because you are an uneducated. I loved America when I was in the first grade and decided to come to live in the USA because of her history struggle for women rights, worker rights, and a lot more. First Amendment, Second Amendment, and Fifth amendments are diamond in the World. I learned about Pasadena, Louisiana, and etc when I came to the USA 40+ years ago and it was not a good learning process. I love the USA a lot more now because people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez starts getting involved in the government decision. The people rights are more important the corporation rights like and Microsoft.
This is story about grass, trespassing, the landscaping guy(s), the left neighbor, me, developer, HOA, and others.
First Incident
On January 17, 2019 Thursday, at 10:26 AM, I have been tired of telling these people please do not walk on my property either with or without your equipment and do not cut my grass.
They sometime cut my grass in irregular way without my permission. I have spent a lot of time and money on my grass.
He does not release the bar when he is my area and cut half of my grass, if he were a barber he would be out of business.
I wish these people would take some classes in Turf management.
He is charging the owner $30 to cut the grass and that is a lot money for zero quality.
I think I need to build a wall on my left side of house.
I am documenting this violation and future violation for the Constable.
Trespassing Video (It is 2 minutes, it is AVI format and it does not work on iPhone)
The developer has been greedy and not to allocate enough space between two houses or could install the AC units in the backyard.
Since I was accused a terrorist in February 2016 by the FirstSertvice Residential Inc. and I will be arrested if I go to their office because of trespassing.
I will not allow anybody to trespass my property without my permission and the exception is only for fire fighters, constables, and etc.
Second Incident
On January 31, 2019, around 11 am, when I gave this paper to landscaping guy he did not accept it and I told him that I call the police and he said go ahead call the police.
I called the Constable to report this incident. His Truck license plate number is JDY-3137.
My Grass was Cut Without my Permission
He cut my grass and when I asked him why did he cut my grass he got into his white truck and left?
I think I need to have a smart wall for these people.
Thanks FirstService Residential Inc for teaching me the trespassing law.
Does The Landscaping Man Have the Work Permit?
Does my left neighbor landscaping man have work permit in the USA?
I have learned this racist thinking system from the FirstService Residential Inc. and his gang. Thanks a lot.
If he does not then he should not work or be hired in the Fairfield Village.
February 14, 2019, Weekly Grass Cutting Report.
He used the trimmer and I told him that he did very good job and I appreciate for respecting my property and not cutting my grass.
He spent a lot of time taking my picture & video or pretend doing it and that is his first amendment and I like it a lot and he uses first
amendment better those were born in here.
Thanks the FirstService Residential Inc for teaching me trespassing law.
I do not feel comfortable when I cut my grass because I might cut a foot of my neighbors grass. The developer did very bad job on the grass separation.
They spent more time on by law that quality of design. I can have a lot of solutions for this problems but who is going to listen!
Note 1:
You can trim branches or roots that cross into your property from a neighbor property or a public road.
You can only trim up to the property boundary. If you do more than this, your neighbor could take you to court for damaging their property.