More than 70% of houses have been bought and sold in Hyacinth Dr (South, North, and etc) for the last few years.
The Fairfield Village has a systematic problem for keeping residents here for longer time.
A lot of people who buy houses in the Fairfield Village Cypress do not do their homework.
Most of buyers are from outside of Texas like Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, & etc.
They buy the houses and after few years they sell the houses and move some where (Ex. Cole Crossing Cypress) else for the following reasons:
- Crime has been increased.
- Coronavirus, bad economy, unemployment, & bad GDP in 2020.
- Property Tax is increased every few years or year because of high demand of buyers.
- Bad Neighbors, You need one bad apple to destroy a tree.
- They come from places with Louisianan and Pasadena mentality.
- Kids are playing on the street most of time without supervision, we look like São Paulo, Brazil.
- They do not have time to cut grass, clean leaves, and etc and hire people who know nothing about turf management, a robot can cut the grass too.
- They do not have either the knowledge or the money to fix things breakdown in the house.
- The HOA Approval, If you want plants in the front of your house, you need to get the HOA approval.
- Con-Artist property management, like AMI and Firstservice Residential with 22.00% fee charge.
- No real and human communication exist among neighbors.
- Some owners are running manufacturing from their garage and they cannot do it for a long time and are caught.
- They think the school in Fairfield is better than other places and they are not.
- It costs at least or about $1300 per month to take care of house bill (gas, electricity, water, tax, insurance, and etc) even the house is paid off.
- Car, Gas, and Traffic, they live in the Fairfield Village but they have to drive to work other parts of Houston.
- Some owners had problems with neighbors in the previous location and try to do the same in the Fairfield Village.
- There are a lot different minority in the Fairfield Cypress now and they did not exist 20+ years ago.
- Racist and uneducated residents who hate the minority and they sell the houses and leave.
- They think they have prestige by living in the Fairfield Village but it looks a bubble or nightmare.
- Those who are honest and challenge the HOA and got tired of it.
- Some of owners like to insult their neighbors for different reasons and insults do not work.
- They know nothing about trespassing law and they think their neighbor property are a public property.
- Some of these owners cannot live in a third world country with their current mentality and behavior.
- Most of buyers are out of Texas and bought the house for few years because of job.
- The developers like Lennar Construction Inc. who built the houses with the minimum standard but they look good from outside and with fancy kitchen and master bathroom.
- Drive-by Shooting in 20507 South Blue Hyacinth Dr, Fairfield Village Cypress, Texas, 20-24 Bullets in 10 Seconds.
Buying and Selling houses are the best excuse for the Harris County Appraisal District to increase the property tax.
{The For Sale sign belongs to the house has been sold three times in last six years}