Rita Panahi a Persian-American and was born in a confederate state USA & she works for Australia Sky News.

Rita Panahi a Persian-American and was born in a confederate state USA & she works for Australia Sky News.

If you know her very well you would never ask an immigrant where is she or he is from? I would not ask people name and I would not tell my name either.

She is the dumbest immigrant person that I have ever seen who makes fun of leftist people.

She is not far-right she is an ultra-far-right and we have people like her who works as pet & puppet in Norway (Persian Man), Holland (Somalian woman), and etc.

She is short like other Persian and Turkish women and grandfather told me do not care if woman is 120 lb. or 250 lb., short or tall, blind or 20/20 vision, beautiful or ugly as long as it short term relationship. (hit & run mode)

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