Darlene R Sedelmyer or Darlene R Brown Director of Fairfield Athletic Club and Board President

The FirstService Residential Office (Rented) No Business Sign or Permit and a lot out of order equipment for residents

Dear Darlene Sedelmyer,

The core of the Fairfield Athletic Club is the exercise facility for the homeowners of the Fairfield. A section of the building has been rented to the AMI that has been bought by the FirstService Residential.

The FirstService Residential has accused one of the Fairfield Residents as the ISIS member.

It is not a good harmony for the FirstService Residential to be a part of the building.

The accused residents owns a share of the office and he cannot attend the meeting or visit the office and he will be arrested because no trespassing letter (included with this email) from the FirstSerice Residential. The accused residents received a letter from the attorney to shutdown the FairfieldCypress.net. (included with this email).

We recommend the FirstService Residential to rent an office in the shopping center on the Mason road.

Darlene Sedelmyer allows Deputy S. Denis to interview with her employees so the accused resident will not visit the Fairfield Athletic Club.

One time she told the accused resident some residents complained about me that I talk a lot about the First Service. They come to exercise and do not want to  bothered.

When I asked those residents do not talk to me did they follow my demand? No. They always tell me the middle eastern people are terrorist.

If middle eastern people are terrorist please do not allow them (Particularly Saudi Arabian people) to come to the USA.

It is totally unethical to be a board member, resident, and board director of the Fairfield Athletic Club a the same time for years.

You allowed Mr. First Service Residential. (Griffith Guy) to use our facility everyday at 4:00 PM. Why?