What Made the Battle of Blair Mountain the Largest Labor Uprising in American History. Its […]
Category: Internationalism
The working class of the world must take cover of every national & international corporations (seized).
The working class of the world must take over of every national & international corporations […]
Red Flag is an international flag and is loved with working class, farmers, progressive people, progressive students, true leftist, and etc.
An elderly Ukrainian woman brandishing a red Soviet flag has become the unlikely face of […]
NATO members need to fix their internal economy & inflation and educate their people & please do not create no more wars.
We have respected Russian Red Flag since October 1917. Russian Red Army defeated the White […]
Now Syria is like a black-white TV in the digital world and good luck to new leadership that we call al-Nusra Front V4.0
Syria had drought and bad leadership who was corrupt and lack of experience how to […]
The only power we have is to boycott Israel products and those companies who support them around the world.
World, All my political teachers have been Jews like Carl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and a […]
Government of Israel has to close to his embassy in Ireland.
People of Ireland, We love you more than any other country in Europe because you […]
All these questions are racism and are part of capitalist system brainwashing, marketing, and educational system.
The capitalist system has years of experience and has defeat socialist movements around the world […]
If you live in Syria, please sell your stuff and leave.
Syrian People, I have fought for my rights and world working class rights since I […]
Turkish government has become the enemy of middle eastern people.
Turkish government has become the enemy of middle eastern people. If Turkish president is Moslem […]